Rights and obligations of your children

Rights and obligations of your children

Your child – young worker has a right:

  • to be aware of the existing risks at his or her workplace, the safety protection measures and the measures to be taken in case of an accident or an emergency,  
  • to decline to perform work if exposed to an imminent risk to health or life because the prescribed safety measures have not been implemented,  
  • to decline to perform work if not informed beforehand of all potential risks involved, or if the employer has failed to provide the prescribed health check,
  • to information, instructions and training on occupational safety and health, 
  • to free personal protective equipment,
  • to ask questions, report potential dangerous conditions or practices and cooperate with the employer as regards the issues of occupational safety.

Your child – young worker naturally also has some occupational obligations:

  • to comply with the employer's safety measures and to use the working equipment as well as the personal protective equipment according to the employer's instructions,  
  • to inform his or her superiors of any, even the least significant deficiency, health risk, damage or other occurrence that may endanger his or her health and safety at work (or those of other workers). The worker is under obligation to do so in particular in case of an accident,       
  • to inform the Labour Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia (Phone: 01 280 36 60), if the dangerous conditions are not eliminated.