What can you do yourself?
Your role concerning the safety and health of your children is very important.
What can you do yourself for the occupational safety and health of your children?
- Talk to your children about their holiday or part-time work or about their choice of training in the workplace.
- Inquire about the work they would be doing.
- Ask them about the training they have had and the control that is being exercised over them and the performance of their work.
- Tell them not to be afraid to ask for training and help before they begin to use equipment or engage in a new task.
- Talk to them about their work on regular basis. Encourage them to talk to you about any problems they might encounter regarding the performance of their work or the safety and health at work.
- Talk to their employers about the safety and health measures and trainings.
- Warn your children about the risks of solitary or night work.
- Encourage your children to ask questions, seek help if they are not sure about a work activity and to immediately report any dangers, injuries or diseases, however insignificant they may seem.
- Encourage them to talk to the physician, nurse or other staff responsible for the safety and health at work (within their working environment). If they visit the family physician, they should tell him or her about the work they perform.
- Point out that they may address the questions regarding safety and health at work to the worker safety representative.
- Talk to the child about your own safety and health experience in the present workplace or any of the past workplaces. Explain what has occurred, what has been done, what you would have done if you had been better informed.
- Encourage the competent educators in your child's primary or secondary school to organise awareness activities concerning risks for younger children and safety and health at work for older children.
- Talk to other parents about all these questions. Find out how the organisation you work for provides safety to young workers.
- Encourage your children to use their initiative and learn about the safety and health aspects of their work; to this end they may use various websites (links may also be found on this website). Look for additional information yourself.
If you are worried about the safety and health of your children, if you believe that the employer failed to provide safety to your children, if you believe that the work your child is performing is too dangerous, etc., you may address the matter to the Labour Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia (Phone: 01 280 36 60).
We also ask you to read about the safety and health measures an employer has a duty to provide and about the obligations and rights of your child as a primary or secondary school child or a student.