Good practice
It is of utmost importance that before they start to work young people be provided with an efficient training on safety and health at work, in the course of which a significant amount of time must be devoted to the following subjects:
- risks particular to work of young people,
- general risks in the workplace,
- ways of protection,
- action they need to take if they believe that their safety is at risk,
- where to go for advice,
- what to do in emergencies, if they have had an accident or if they need first aid,
- their duty to cooperate with you as regards the provision of safety in the workplace.
It is very important that your actions set a good example for the young people. You should show your commitment to safety and health at work in clear terms, implement the safety and health at work measures and consistently emphasise the significance of these subjects.
Good practice in the field of safety and health at work
Providing safety and health at work of young workers means more than just fulfilling statutory requirements, there are also other obvious advantages, such as:
- effective management of safety and health at work is good for business and distinctive of organisations with efficient management,
- measures directed at protection of young people will help improve the safety of all workers,
- if you provide the young people with appropriate training and education you will benefit from their energy, drive and motivation to learn,
- at the same time, you will provide for their safety in the workplace,
- an effective control will help you determine their progress at work; you will be able to monitor the effectiveness of their training,
- your reputation of a good employer will help attract competent young workers.